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Dear Neighbourhood Link Member, 


I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on the actions being taken by the beat team around the ongoing anti-social behaviour and vehicle crime on the Warwick Way Estate. 


I wish to provide reassurance to you that this issue very much remains a priority for the Local Beat Team, our wider Neighbourhood Policing Area (NPA) and out Community Safety Partners. There are two separate workstreams taking place to address the motorbikes and wider anti-social behaviour issues separately.


This week Sergeant Johnson chaired a monthly meeting with Charnwood NPA and Charnwood Borough Council to address the issues around motorbike concerns and how we are working together. The enforcement side is lead by the Police and we currently have the support of the Roads Policing Unit to assist the NPA their response.


Today, Sergeant Barber chaired a meeting with our partners to discuss the ongoing anti-social behaviour. We continue to work alongside Charnwood Borough Council to support them in improving the area to prevent ASB occurring, alongside this, we are taking steps to identify perpetrators. 


We continue to take a robust response to identify and act against those responsible. We have had some good results over the past week, this is continually driven forward with both the beat team and wider response officers.

  • One suspect has been arrested for fail to stop, he has been remanded to court.
  • On Friday two males were arrested and charged with TWOC (Taken without owners’ consent).
  • A male known to the Police for committing this type of crime around the estate has been arrested for dangerous driving and fail to stop.
  • We have also arrested a male who failed to stop on a stolen motor bike, he has since been bailed with conditions.
  • On Friday a male was arrested and charged with TWOC. 

    We encourage residents to continue to report issues to the police and we continue to sculpt our policing approach to resolving these issues.

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    Message Sent By
    Sophie Hayward
    (Leicestershire Police, PC 1041, Charnwood)

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