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Crime Prevention Advice - Door Step Crime and Rogue Traders

We  have had a  report of Rogue Traders operating in our area over the week. 


Steps to reduce the risk of doorstep crime

It is important to remember that people who fall victim to doorstep crime or rogue traders are not to blame. The people that carry out these crimes can be very persuasive but sometimes also intimidating and aggressive.


There are some steps you can take to reduce the risk of falling victim to these scams:


  • Don’t engage with doorstep sellers (cold callers) The simplest way to reduce the risk is not to engage with any doorstep sellers. You can politely say you don’t deal with doorstep sellers.


  • Don’t be pressured into agreeing to work being done many rogue traders will try to worry or pressure people into having work done. Even if there is an issue you have been meaning to fix don’t be rushed into making a decision.  Speak to a family member first before deciding.

  • Use reputable traders If you do need work doing to your property use a trader that is recommended or deemed trustworthy. Contact your local Trading Standards to find out if they have an approved trader list. There are a number of Trader schemes advertised so it is worth look finding out how they help if there is a problem.

  • Get at least 3 quotes By getting 3 different quotes you will get a good idea of what is a fair price for the work and also what is involved. It will help you to make a decision.

  • Check before you let officials into your home If someone says they are from a utilities company and there is a problem in the area use the contact number you have from bills to call them and ask if they are working in the area. Many doorstep criminals will have fake ID which will have a contact number on, don’t use this or trust that it is genuine.
  • Remember you can also arrange a time with your utilities providers to read your meters. You can also arrange passwords to be used by the company’s meter readers, you choose the password!


    If you feel threatened or in danger by the presence of the caller, call 999.  Always remember "if in doubt, keep them out":


    Further information can be found in the crime prevention section of our force website: Crime prevention advice | Leicestershire Police (leics.police.uk)


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    Message Sent By
    Andy Wylie
    (Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6613, Melton and Rutland)

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