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New: Neighbourhood Policing Area (NPA) Commander update

South Leicester as of this week are looking to introduce a weekly Neighbourhood Policing Area (NPA) Commander update that we will hope to publish on a Monday afternoon, providing an update on the previous weeks activities and updates.


It is just over a month since I took over as the commander for the South Leicester area and my teams of patrol and neighbourhood officers have been working tirelessly to make the South Leicester area a better place to live, work and play.

Violence against women and girls is a priority and we continue to take positive action against offenders. If you are a victim or need to report on behalf of someone else there are a number of ways you can do this using 999 if it is an emergency, 101 or online.

I have attended a local independent advisory group and met with the panel members as well as chairing our joint action group which provides a joined up approach to dealing with community issues. The LIAG is a mechanism that gives the community an opportunity to act as a “critical friend” to the Police and help us to improve the service that we deliver. Ours is focussed on South Leicester but is part of a structure that considers matters on a much broader spectrum. That was a very productive meeting and I am looking forward to building on those relationships. If you would like to apply for your local independent advisory group, more information can be found here: Independent Advisory Groups | Leicestershire Police (leics.police.uk)


In relation to investigations, all of the team are managing a number of different crimes and try to positively resolve those and they are committed to providing an excellent level of victim care but some of the incidents of note are:

Maintaining our momentum on the Saffron Lane Estate around combatting drug supply and use on the estate and we continue to work with partners around the Safer Saffron project. We will continue to work hard on the estate to mitigate the threat to the public that drug supply causes until it ceases. There is no place in society for people who are involved with this aspect of criminality.


In the last week we successfully arrested a male for a burglary close to the scene thanks to the tenacity of the attending officers and a demonstration of great teamwork. He has been remanded for Crown court trial in September.


There was an attempt 'ram raid' at the Co- op on Hillsborough Road, we have made one arrest so far and the investigation is ongoing.


We are part of your community, if you would like to speak to us you can approach an officer on patrol, report using 999 in an emergency or via 101 or online via the Contact Us page on our website which deals with most non urgent issues.

If you want to report something to us anonymously you can do so using Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 or crimestoppers-uk-org 

You can also follow us on social media by searching South Leicester Police on Facebook or on X. You can also find out more about South Leicester Police through the “Your area” pages on the force website.


Inspector Crewe

South Leicester NPA Commander

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Message Sent By
Nathan Birkin
(Leicestershire Police, Sgt 1991, Deputy Commander, South Leicester)

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