The Police
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Information regarding our speed camera vans

Dear Neighbourhood Link Members,


There are common misconceptions regarding the mobile speed camera vans that Leicestershire Police use when enforcing speed limits in particular areas. Where do we enforce (and why)? What are the requirements for road signage where we enforce? Where does the speed camera van have to park? Where are the fines paid to?

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Road Safety Partnership have made three separate educational video clips that cover the above topics and more – they are around a minute each. Please find direct links to them below if you wish to learn more:


Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Alternatively, you can also find the clips on X @RoadSafeLeics



Kind regards,

NE13 Beat team (Northfields, Tailby and Morton estates)

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Message Sent By
Edward Hallam
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6670, East Leicester )

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