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Wigston's Weekly Priorities


Dear residents, 


Your local PCSO 6115 Adam has assessed our weekly priorities and has put together this list for you and the positive action that we have taken. 



Priority 1 You said ‘Dog fouling’ You said ‘Dog Fouling’ as the primary priority in the area. 

We did- We’re working with partnering agencies, specifically the council on making sure the pavements are clean and any incidents are known by the council and dealt with in quick time. Our routine patrols on foot also make sure this issue is decreased by being out in the community and being seen.  



Priority 2– You said ‘Anti-social behaviour’ as the second priority in the area. 

We did-High visibility patrols around our anti-social behaviour hot spot, we also have been responding to these incidents by speaking to local businesses and the community about key times and days so we can focus our patrols and target individuals that are causing these issues. We are tackling the anti-social behaviour incidents so if you have any concerns call it in as a non-emergency on 101 or via our website. 



Priority 3 – You said ‘Road Safety Issues’ as the third priority in the area. 

We did- local patrols with a focus on how road users are conducting themselves and focusing the hotspot areas that have frequent reports of traffic offences. Local officers have been trained on the speed gun and are conducting speed checks in the areas of Wigston and South Wigston. We also held a FATAL4 operation in South Wigston in the last month which targeted the South Wigston and Wigston traffic.




Priority 4 - You said ‘Highway Obstructions’ as the fourth priority in the area. 

We did- Officers have been checking vehicles for the relevant documentation to ensure that all is in order out whilst on patrol and moving any obstructions themselves where possible or making the relevant calls for a removal of the obstruction to be put in place. Reminder   



Priority 5-You said ‘Criminal damage’ as your fifth priority in the area. 

We did, patrols have been conducted around the local area at key times throughout the day where there could be extra foot traffic trying to deter any incidents that might occur. We’ve also been giving the relevant advice out to protect your property and belongings.


Stay safe,


Your Wigston Beat Team. 

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Message Sent By
Cara Hayter
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6158, Harborough and Wigston)

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