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Theft From Vans


Theft From Vans

Tools are extremely valuable possessions and when stolen, can impact hugely on businesses.

To protect yourself from falling victim of a theft from van crime, Leicestershire Police is asking van owners to always remove their tools when left unattended for long periods of time and overnight.

Here are 5 top tips to keep your kit secure:


  • Always check your doors are locked before leaving your vehicle unattended, if you have a keyless van invest in a signal blocker.


  • Consider alarming the vehicle or fitting an internal security cage when tools and equipment are not being used.


  • If you have a garage, use it. If your van is parked on a driveway, consider installing security lighting. If neither of these apply, try to park in well-lit areas and close to other vehicles.


  • Don’t leave tools in vehicles unattended or overnight. Place a sign in the window stating they have been removed. If you are staying in a hotel, where possible remove your tools from your van and keep them in your room overnight. 


  • Visibly mark your machinery and tools using an engraving or chemical etching kit or use a forensic marking kit. Place a sticker in your window to say you have done so - the signage alone, can be a very effective deterrent. Keep a list of tools, together with serial numbers and any identifying marks. You can do this at immobilise.com. This will help to trace them back to you if they are recovered.

  • We rely on information from members of the public to crack down effectively on this type of crime. If anyone is offered tools for sale in suspicious circumstances, they should contact us on 101 or report it online.



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    Message Sent By
    Matthew Kiff
    (Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6090, Harborough and Wigston)

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