Another busy month for the neighbourhood officers on the Melton Town South Beat, assisting our response colleagues with live incidents and covering the front enquiry office duties at Melton Mowbray Police Station. On the 7th of November PCSO Sal attended the coffee morning at Melton Bowls Club and again, it was lovely to meet some new people and talk to those who specifically came to see him to share some of their concerns. We have also participated in the policing of Remembrance Day events where we were tasked to assist with reassurance patrols. It was a great job to have and we were pleased to have been able to help ensure everything ran safely. On the 11th of November the beat team were involved in the arrest of a person on suspicion of burglary and criminal damage to a tree. The person was further arrested for possession of an offensive weapon and has been released from custody with bail conditions. The investigation remains open. On the 18th of November, PC Hill and Katie from the Safer Communities Team from Melton Borough Council (Ryan and Katie shown below) completed a patch walk around Badger Avenue as part of Anti-social Behaviour Awareness Week. The visit was in response to an occupant having numerous parties with loud music being played and attendees shouting, screaming and acting in a threatening manner. The occupant was subsequently issued with a Community Protection Warning which forms part of the Anti- Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014. As it is getting dark earlier now, remember that opportunistic thieves are always looking to take as much as they can. We are doing what we can to keep you safe and you can do your bit by keeping valuables out of sight. Keep keys, valuables and cash away from doors, windows and out of sight. During the darker nights, it’s important to leave your home looking lived in. Some things you can do are: Keep doors and windows locked and take the key out of the lock. Prevent easy access to your home with locked gates or fencing. Move/remove items which can provide easier access to windows, such as bins and garden furniture. Burglars are known to use ladders to access upper windows to avoid intruder alarm sensors on the lower floors of properties. Keep ladders out of sight and ensure sheds, garages and outbuildings are locked. Remember: #LockUpLightUp If there is a crime in progress or a risk to life/property always call emergency 999. |