Clarendon Park Newsletter December 2024(please see the newsletter in more detail attached below) Meet your local team
PS 1845 Mike Green PC 4599 Des Bausor PCSO 6614 Ammo Sanghera PCSO 6523 Hector Hand
This month the beat team have conducted numerous proactive patrols, tasking, engagement's and initiatives in support of anti social behaviour week, please see more below...
#YouSaid - What matters to youWe have listened to you and the concerns you raised and will prioritise the following. Priority 1: Anti-social behaviour in the area of the shops on Queens Road. Some incidents relate to drug or alcohol use and others relate to rowdy behaviour You said: ASB - Anti-Social Behaviour is a priority for residents of the ward. This is a generic policing issue that we aim to tackle robustly wherever identified, through feedback from our community Queens Road has been raised as an area of concern. We manage reports of Anti Social behaviour through using our partnership working platform sentinel, this system allows us to communicate with partner agencies such as the council to manage these cases efficiently. We did: In support of ASB week we have increased targeted Patrols, stop searches, proactive work and positive action in the area and this has resulted in a decrease in Anti social behaviour in the area. The beat team have also completed pro-active patrols on other locations such as St Leonards court, Howard Road and Hartopp Road as well as Leicester university campus following recent police related incidents.
Priority 2: Anti-social behaviour on Victoria Park. You said: Through crime pattern analysis intertwined with feedback provided by the community we have introduced “Anti-social behaviour on Victoria Park” as a beat priority. We did: We took to Victoria Park and St Mary's triangle in order to conduct knife sweeps throughout the area in relation to Op Sceptre, further initiatives in support of Op Sceptre have also been conducted such as proactive intelligence based patrols on our hotspots throughout the South Leicester Policing area as well as crime prevention issued to local businesses to educate the staff and the public on how to prevent Knife related offences in our community's .
Priority 3: We are going to work towards preventing burglary offences in the area, by carrying out proactive and educational work. You said: The beat team have responded to this priority through crime prevention awareness, uniformed patrols and robust targeting of offenders. We will update our community whenever possible on any identified crime trends through good communications. with our with our community. We did: The team In response to an increase of commercial burglary's in the area have nominated Queens Road as the new micro beat for Clarendon Park in which extra attention is paid to the area in order to identify and deal with offenders, prevent and deter crime and bring reassurance to the community. we will continue to patrol the area diligently as the darker nights are now here. To keep your property or premises safe please visit our website to gather more crime prevention advice on how to help keep your property secure.
What have we been doing.
Multiple policing operations have taken place across south Leicester this month. Notably we conducted an e-scooter/e-bike operation in which we dealt with 19 E-bike/scooter riders which resulted in seizures and action taken against riders
The beat team have attended various community events such as the Queen’s Road summer fair and Springfield church remembrance day service and we have still continued our regular beat surgery's and consultations at various locations on the beat such as Victoria Park beat office and Knighton libary.
We paid our respects to those who fought in the first world war and attended the remembrance day service at Victoria Park on November 11th 2024
The beat team have attended various community events such as the Queen’s Road summer fair and Springfield church remembrance day service and we have still continued our regular beat surgery's and consultations at various locations on the beat such as Victoria Park beat office and Knighton libary.
The beat team have been diligently responding to the concern’s raised by the community by addressing the beat priorities, attending incidents, safeguarding vulnerable persons and working with our partner agencies and providing feedback to our community. You may not always see us however we are always working in the background to address issues in the community, if you’d like to speak to a member of the beat team you attend one of our community engagement consultation’s, specific dates for these can be seen at the bottom of the newsletter For all our crime prevention advice visit: www.leics.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention. Our advice offers best practice for you to follow alongside practical crime prevention methods: from basic hints and tips to more detailed strategies. To keep up to date with the latest scams, you can follow Action Fraud on Facebook: www.facebook.com/actionfraud Alternatively, the Action Fraud website is: www.actionfraud.police.uk
Upcoming engagements
Come and speak to your local beat team about any issues or concerns you may have or to raise any issues effecting you or your local community. Officers will be available at the following events: 3rd December, 10:30hrs—Knighton library Beat Surgery. 13th December, 16:30hrs—Beat engagement event at The Sikh Gurdwara, Clarendon Park Road. 9th January, 10:00hrs—Street consultation, Avenue Road Extension (outside of Ahmadiyya Mosque 95 Avenue Road Ext) 29th January, 15:30hrs—Street consultation Queens Road (outside of the Clarendon Park Post Office)
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