The Police
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Burbage Police. Four Arrested, Car Crime And Useful Links.

Hello Resident,


We hope you have had a peaceful week as we head into 2025. Doesn’t time fly. Here is an update regarding the last week in Burbage.  


Reported Crime and Appeals


  • Report of suspicious vehicle and persons at 20:00 on the 23rd of December. Police immediately attended and located persons. Thankfully this was a call of good intent. There are several units in the area that are open late. 

  • Report from The Ridgeway at 03:15 on the morning of the 28th, where 3 suspects have been seen entering a garage. As a result, officers have attended and made 4 arrests in the area following an area search. We also seized a vehicle as used in crime, whilst premises and vehicle searches have also been completed. It is suspected this incident is vehicle crime related. This incident is under investigation so if you have any CCTV of suspicious behaviour that may be of evidential value to us, in the areas of The Ridgeway, Azalea Drive, Tilton Road, Aster Close Area between 03:00-04:00, please pop me an email to darren.stretton@leics.police.uk 24000766726. 
  • Some excellent work completed by attending officers which may have prevented further crime.


    Patrols, Police Activity and local engagement


    Since our last update on the 23rd of December, there has been 44 calls to Police. 12 of these calls were emergency and 10 were priority calls. These calls include concerns such as concerns for safety, suspicious persons and criminal damage. Many of these calls were attended by officers, whilst other reports will be dealt with over the coming days as appropriate. 

    Please continue to be mindful around vehicle crime and residential burglary as we head into January. Based on historical crime figures, the early part of the year can see an increase in these types of crime. Feel free to get in touch if you have any concerns or would like any crime reduction support. 


    With schools closed and many local businesses shut, we have been completing lots of patrols, leaflet drops (as pictured above) and crime reduction work with residents over recent weeks. We are also planning some targeted work for when the schools return in January around road safety. 


    Crime prevention and issues to be aware of


    As scams are an ever-increasing issue that affect residents of all ages, please see the National Cyber Security Centre site for lots of useful information. Everything from news to education, advice and hacked accounts. National Cyber Security Centre - NCSC.GOV.UK


    If you notice any fly tipping, please report this to Fly-tipping | Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council as these issues are dealt with by the council. Feel free to pass on any information regarding suspects/vehicle information that was involved but HBBC will be the lead agency for these incidents. 


    Thank you and take care. 


    The Burbage Beat Team


    It is really useful is you RATE, SHARE or PRINT this message. You can also REPLY directly to me if you wish to communicate with me. 


    Details in these messages are based on information we have at the time of writing. Details can change as investigations progress. We raise awareness around local concerns which may be of community concern where appropriate, in order to reduce crime, raise awareness and support investigations. 


    We need your help to keep our phone lines clear for emergencies. If your call isn't an emergency, see if the information or service you need is on our website  www.leics.police.uk.  before you call 101. You can use our website to report crimes or incidents at a time convenient for you.

    We urge you to call 999 in an emergency - if you or someone else are in immediate danger, or a crime is in progress.

    Please do not report crime or Incidents via 'Neighbourhood Link' as the messages are not always monitored.


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    Message Sent By
    Darren Stretton
    (Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6035, Hinckley and Blaby)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials