1) The beat team have continued with patrols in the area. Crime prevention advice has been issued to residents. Its promising that there have been no reports of vehicle crime or burglaries in the estate. One resident took time to speak and thank PC Sam Lowe who was patrolling the area. A beat surgery has also taken place by our PCSOs. 2) A problem Management Plan has been created. We have work along side the retail stores and security to tackle the offenders. Crime prevention patrols have and will continue to take place by uniformed/plain clothed officers.
During December a number of arrests have been made of known shoplifters, with charges brought. One offender was taken to court the following day of their arrest, he pleaded not guilty so a court trail will be heard in February. We are applying for a criminal behaviour order preventing him from returning to the shopping centre. 3) The beat team have increased both high visibility and plain clothed patrols in the area. It was great to see residents flagging down a marked police. Following the report of an intruder inside an address, (Thankfully, no one was hurt and nothing taken) House to house in the area has been completed, along with reassurance and crime prevention being offered. |