The Police
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Stranger on the shore…now a Suspect in custody– a good news story 


A report of theft was taken yesterday by a gentleman often seen busking in town over the past few years playing the clarinet to raise money for charity, our own local Acker Bilk who is 85 years young. 

Acker offered to buy a meal for a homeless stranger and at the moment of paying for it the stranger grabbed the money and ran off, obviously misunderstanding both our generous musician’s goodwill gesture and the concept of fast food.

Thanks to CCTV the suspect was identified, located, arrested within six hours of the theft being reported and subsequently charged along with other offences committed over recent days and will be in front of the Judge later today. 

The two arresting officers worked through last night dealing with the prisoner and the paperwork ready and after completing a 20-hour shift have now gone home for some well-earned rest.

Next time officers see Acker in town playing we will be requesting Jailhouse Rock and donating to his worthy causes as in the past and invite locals to ask Acker to give you a tune - and anyone not familiar with Acker Bilk give it a google.


Melton Police



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Malcolm Durrant
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6131, Melton and Rutland)

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