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Police: Van Break

Unfortunately, we have seen OP Pioneer offences on the beat area. 


OP Pioneer is the policing operation nationwide to tackle vans being broken into and tools being stolen from within. 


This is a crime that massively impacts our local tradesmen and their livelihood. 


Please can you help us to help you by doing the following things: 


- Report incidents. Please report any crime that you have been victim of via our website, by calling 101, or on 999 if it is in progress. If we don’t know about something it is difficult for us to help. 


- Please take your tools out of your van overnight and put a sign or sticker on the van saying that tools are removed overnight. 


- Mark your tools clearly with your name, or company name using paint pens, engraving or a chermical etching kit. 


- If you must leave your tools in your van overnight, consider a lockable cabinet within to store the more valuable items. 


- Consider CCTV if you can that covers where you park your van, or a camera within your vehicle. 


- Consider additional locks and alarms. 


- Park close to buildings so as not to leave room for offenders to gain access to the doors. 


- Keep a record of the serial numbers of your tools. 


- Please see the link here for more information - https://www.leics.police.uk/theftfromvans


We rely on information from members of the public to crack down effectively on this type of crime. If anyone is offered tools for sale in suspicious circumstances, they should contact us on 101 or report it online https://www.leics.police.uk/ 


Vehicle crime and theft from motor vehicles is a priority for the Rutland North Beat. I would like to reassure the community that we do investigate these crimes, but we can only follow the reasonable lines of enquiry available, which can sometimes be challenging and we can only deal with the crimes that we know about which are reported to us. So, we need your help to prevent and deter. 


Thank you. 


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Message Sent By
Jake Spruce
(Leicestershire Police, PC 1049, Melton and Rutland)

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