The Police
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Priority Update

E-Scooter & E-Bike riders beware, if you use one of these then make sure you're legal.


As part of the #BardonBeatTeam Priorities, we will be tackling the illegal use of E-Scooters & E-Bikes.


This E-Bike was seized yesterday by the Bardon & Town Centre PCSOs.


The bike was capable of reaching up to 75MPH using its own propulsion which means it then falls in the classification of a mechanically propelled vehicle.


The rider didn't have a Licence, MOT, Insurance or any Road Tax which they've been reported for.


Further to this, they were riding it without any gear or helmet meaning if they collided at 75MPH, its very unlikely they would survive the impact.


For more information on how to ride an E-Bike legally, please follow the advice via the link below...








Mike 6500

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Message Sent By
Mike Walker
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6500, North West Leicestershire)

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